“After finishing y’alls academy in Class 22, I passed the Texas EMT test (on my 1st try). I continued to work at the small county department in my neighborhood (Sam Bass Fire Dept) until moving to Houston in the Fall of 2006. I went through the written and physical testing for the Houston Fire Dept, and was hired through their “Fast Track” program for members already posessing both fire and EMT certifications. I’ve been an HFD Firefighter/EMT for 14 months, and I’m assigned to the semi-famous (or infamous!) Station 19 in Houston’s 5th Ward. I’m still learning so much every day I’m at work, but I definitely have y’all to thank for such a great foundation of knowledge and skills. I am so blessed to love and enjoy my career and to look forward to helping people and having fun while I’m at work, and I couldn’t have done it without the kind of program y’all offer. I hope all is well with you and your family, and with the school, and good luck. Thanks again!!!”
Matt “Opie” Opiela. Houston, TX